Creating a paradigm shift towards gender and equality in smart mobility

Published: 26 Oct, 2021

TU Dublin is hosting the 10th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management in collaboration with the EU projects DIAMOND and TInnGO’s final conference and will take place from 17th – 19th November 2021. The final outcomes of the DIAMOND and TInnGO projects will be presented.

The event will be held virtually with the theme ofCreating a paradigm shift towards gender and equality in smart mobility”. 

Whilst gender and transport is a rather new professional field; currently, there is a huge amount of research, design and planning of systems required in order to achieve gender equality in the many sectors. For example, the HORIZON 2020 call, MG-4-3-2018 on demographic change and participation of women in transport funded the DIAMOND and TinnGO  project to create gender and diversity sensitive data, methodologies and tools to achieve gender equality in transport.

The event will be an opportunity to develop and drive forward synergy between academics, researchers, policymakers and industry.

The TU Dublin team organising the event are Dr Maria Chiara Leva, Dr Mary Kinahan, Dr Lorraine D’Arcy and members of the Research Group for Human Factors in Safety & Sustainability.

The event is free, but registration is essential here. More information about the event is available on the International Symposium on the Travel Demand Management website.