Build Digital

Build Digital is led by Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) with the Construction IT Alliance as Co-Applicant and Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Munster Technological University, University College Dublin, and Waterford Institute of Technology as partners.
As a result, Build Digital has unmatched expertise, regional reach, and complementarity to deliver increased digital adoption across the entire Irish construction and built environment sector.
Our mission is to unite all construction and built environment stakeholders to drive integrated, interoperable digital data adoption across the sector to innovatively improve efficiency, productivity, and international competitiveness on a sustainable basis in Ireland. We have strategically selected an incremental innovation approach to ensure that all stakeholders, particularly those in need of additional support, such as SMEs and clients, are fully supported during the digital transformation of our sector.
Build Digital has identified several overarching objectives that will ensure consistency and connectivity:
- Develop sustainable, efficient and productive leadership to support and enable a step-change in the levels of digital adoption in the Irish construction and build environment sectors, particularly with SMEs, suppliers, and clients;
- Foster collaboration and communicate the benefits of digitization for improved competitive advantage internationally;
- Develop an integrated and collaborative construction workflow through the adoption of open, interoperable digital standards, digital education and training, and digital procurement founded on successful research and innovation to cohesively and effectively meet the needs of the Irish construction and built environment sectors;
- Establish a hub for digital knowledge acquisition, management, and sharing for construction and the built environment to integrate people, processes, and data by appraising, adapting, and, where appropriate, adopting learnings from international best practice;
- Develop, adopt, and deploy collaborative solutions to identified digital data adoption challenges that impact on efficiency, sustainability, and productivity across the whole life cycle of construction and built environment activities in Ireland;
- Integrate the principles and goals of the circular economy, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Construction Sector Group’s sustainability and climate action requirements into all activities in the Build Digital Project.