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Afri Hedge School 2021, 17 November 2021

Published: 10 Nov, 2021

TU Dublin Community Development and Youth Work Year 3 students and lecturers, in partnership with Afri (Action from Ireland), will host the Virtual Afri Hedge School 2021 on Wednesday, 17 November, from 9:45am to 3.00pm.

The event is organised by third-year students of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Community Development and Youth Work course as part of their module Principles of Human Rights.

‘Afri’s vision is of a more just, peaceful, equal and sustainable world.  Afri seeks to inform debate and influence policy and practice in Ireland and internationally on human rights, peace, global justice, and sustainability (Afri, 2021).

The Community Development and Youth Work programme is a four-year degree programme at the Department of Humanities programme at TU Dublin – Blanchardstown Campus. Our mission is to educate and train future community development and youth workers to work as active citizens and agents of change. The programme promotes principles of inclusion, human rights, equality and social justice, working towards sustainable development, and tackling issues such as inequality, racism and discrimination, climate change, poverty and disadvantage (TU Dublin, 2021).

The theme for Afri Hedge School 2021 is

‘Walk the Human Rights Walk: Homes, Climate and Resilience’

The world continues to struggle with the challenges of the COVID19 global pandemic and climate change, war, displacement and hunger. The students chose the image of a treehouse for this year’s hedge school, symbolising homes and a sustainable climate and biosphere. Yet, these remain inaccessible for many. As future Community Development and Youth Workers, the right to shelter and climate justice will be key aspects of our work now and in the future alongside inequality, poverty, racism and discrimination. We hope our Hedge School will give us renewed energy, strength and resilience in work.

The keynote speaker will be Raphael Olympio, Activist on Racism, Direct Provision and Homelessness. Raphael is also a rapper and spoken word artist.

Students will also host short workshops on housing/accommodation, homelessness and resilience. We will also have a short film on the Walk the Human Rights Walk, which students led on the Blanchardstown Campus from the Sustainabilitree to the Outdoor Classroom on Tuesday, 9 Nov. The walk focused on a number of SDGs to coincide with the COP26 Climate Change Conference this week.

Event Details

The event will take place on a virtual platform (Zoom). It is a free event; however, advance booking is essential as spaces are limited.

Book on Eventbrite.

Date: Wednesday 17November 2021, 10am to 3pm (including virtual lunch and comfort breaks).

Check in time: 9:45am -  starts 10.00am

Finish time: 3:00pm

Afri Hedgeschool 2021