Access to Apprenticeship Applications Now Open

Published: 8 Nov, 2021

TU Dublin is currently accepting applications for its Access to Apprentice programme running from January 2022.

The Access to Apprenticeship Programme is a twelve-week course for young men and women aged 16 to 24 living in Dublin who experience social and economic barriers. The programme provides an opportunity for young people to:  

  • Sample a range of apprenticeships in, Construction, Engineering, Electrical, Motor and Aviation industries,
  • Prepare their CV and interview skills,
  • Undertake two weeks work experience, 
  • Complete Health & Safety training. 

Its purpose is to assist young people in finding an apprenticeship. If you want to find out more about the programme and the application process, please join us at our next information webinar:  

Date: Thursday, 11 November  

Time: 1 to 2pm    

Link to register


If you can't attend Thursday's event, more information is available in this ATA Information Sheet November 2021 and potential applicants can download the application form here. The provisional closing date to receive applications is Wednesday, 1 December 2021.