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TU Dublin introduces measures in response to increased COVID19 incidence

Published: 18 Sep, 2020

In response to a request from Government and the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET), Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) will introduce an enhanced set of measures as students commence their studies from Monday, 21 September.

These measures will assist with efforts to halt the rising incidence of COVID19 in Dublin. With immediate effect, and consistent with the introduction of increased COVID19 restrictions, all activities not requiring attendance on-campus at TU Dublin will move to remote delivery where possible. Classes of a more practical nature such as laboratories, studios, kitchens or workshops can continue on-campus as planned.

TU Dublin has worked with staff, students, TU Dublin Students' Union and social partners, to put in place appropriate safety measures to ensure that our traditional laboratory, workshops and studio activities can be conducted in as close to a normal manner as possible and in doing so contributing to a positive student experience. In preparation for the delivery of face-to-face programme activity, every campus location has been assessed, and appropriate signage and cleaning regimes established. Signage will indicate clearly how to move through the building, with separate exits and entrances where possible, and maximum numbers allowed in each space. While on campus, face coverings will be worn at all times in indoor communal and teaching environments and in any situation where appropriate social distancing cannot be maintained.

You will find more information about health, safety and COVID19 on our website here.