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TU Dublin welcomes confirmation of Technological Universities Transformation Fund

Published: 11 Oct, 2019

TU Dublin has welcomed the announcement by Minister Mitchell O’Connor, Minister for Higher Education that funding is being made available to support the development of Technological Universities under Budget 2020 through the Technological Universities Transformation Fund details of which are available on the Department of Education and Skills website at

Professor David FitzPatrick, President of TU Dublin, said that Technological University designation is a great achievement but is not an end in itself.  To ensure that this new type of university can be a step change in Irish higher education, support is required in a number of key areas.  “Designation as a Technological University is only the first step towards realising a transformative education model that can deliver real impact for our society.  In our case, TU Dublin aims to create a modern, agile and globally recognised university that meets the ambitions of our students, grows our research capacity through technological advances, and supports the application of technology for societal and economic advantage.” 

Professor David FitzPatrick, President of TU Dublin, speaking at the ‘Emergence of Technological Universities in Ireland’ Symposium
Professor David FitzPatrick, President of TU Dublin, speaking at the ‘Emergence of Technological Universities in Ireland' Symposium

To ensure those goals can be achieved, Professor FitzPatrick said “There are practicalities that must be addressed, such as connectivity in a multi-campus environment, appropriate facilities and equipment for students from apprenticeship to researchers, as well as capacity-building and career progression to enable us to attract and retain dynamic educators and professional support. 

Commending the Minister and the Department of Education and Skills for this approach, he said “The Transformation Fund’ is an enlightened approach that makes it much more likely that we and other TU applicants can deliver on the real potential of what a Technological University will add to the higher education landscape.  For our part in TU Dublin, we look forward to continuing our engagement with the Department and to making a strong case for funding based on realistic deliverables.”