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TU Dublin Access to Apprenticeship students graduate

Published: 19 Dec, 2019

The TU Dublin Access to Apprenticeship programme was delighted to welcome partners from industry, the community, the students’ family and friends, and colleagues from across the university, to Bolton Street to celebrate the graduation of students who successfully completed the programme.

Access to Apprenticeship supports the progression of young men and women into craft apprenticeships. Funded by J.P. Morgan Chase, the ESB, the Higher Education Authority and the Social Innovation Fund Ireland, the programme is full-time and runs three times a year.

Access to Apprenticeship graduates with, front row, Therese Fitzgerald, Dr. Avril Behan and Bobby Maher.
Access to Apprenticeship graduates with, front row, Therese Fitzgerald, Dr. Avril Behan and Bobby Maher.

Receiving their certificates from the Director and Dean of the College of Engineering and Built Environment, Dr. Avril Behan, the ceremony marks the completion of 12 weeks immersion in craft apprenticeship including a two week industry placement.

Speaking at the event, the programme Manager, Bobby Maher acknowledged the importance of industry involvement in achieving successful outcomes for students:

‘The success of the programme would not be possible without the incredible support we receive from industry and apprentice employers. Every skills workshop, every site-visit, every speed-dating event and every work placement is critical to building confidence, raising aspirations, and preparing students for the workplace and for apprenticeship. A number of students have already secured an apprenticeship based on how well they got on in their work placement and more offers are to follow in January. Its wonderful to see the students’ hard work and the commitment of employers paying off.’

Over the last year over 25 companies from across the construction, electrical, engineering and motor trades have worked with the programme. For the September intake this included skills workshops at the John G. Sisk Joinery, the Designer Group Training Academy and the ESB Training Centre; site visits with Winthrop Engineering, Hyundai Ireland and Dublin Bus; and ‘speed dating’ events and work placement involving over 15 different companies.

The next programme will commence in January 2020 and companies looking to get involved can contact Bobby Maher at and 01 402 3616.

Alex Cetiner and James Fagan celebrate graduation
Alex Cetiner and James Fagan celebrate graduation


Dr Behan congradulates Jordan Kelly
Dr. Avril Behan, Director and Dean of the College of Engineering and Built Environment, congratulating Jordan Kelly, graduate of the Access to Apprenticeship programme.


Graduates of the programme, Cian Coffey and Lee Molloy Walsh
Graduates of the programme, Cian Coffey and Lee Molloy Walsh