Dr Patrice Behan

Image for Dr Patrice Behan

Head of Chemical Sciences and Postgraduate Education.

Email: patrice.behan@tudublin.ie

Tel: (01) 220 5554

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Appointed in 2005, Dr Patrice Behan is currently the senior analytical chemist in the School of School of Chemical and BioPharmaceutical Sciences with expertise in modern analytical instrumental techniques, in particular liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. 

Prior to joining TU Dublin Patrice worked as a Quality Manager where she developed, implemented and maintained a laboratory Quality System based on ISO17025, resulting in INAB Accreditation.  Subsequently she has gained experience as a lead assessor on a consultancy basis with the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB). 

Patrice started her career as a research chemist where she established a programme for monitoring veterinary drug residues and environmental pollutants in farmed finfish. 

Patrice lectures at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels using e-learning, blended learning and research informed teaching methods in Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Quality Control.  

Patrice has collaborated extensively with industry and academia through applied research projects, forging links with organisations including the Marine Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency, the State Laboratory, the Public Analyst’s Laboratory and the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin.  Through EU funded research projects, she has established and strengthened international collaborations with expert industry and academic laboratories.

Image for Dr Patrice Behan