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Prof Anne Greene

Image for Prof Anne Greene

Head of Part Time Education


Tel: (01) 220 5560

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science Team


Professor Greene is Head of Part-time education in the school . Prior to this, she was seconded to the role of Enterprise Partnership Lead for Convene.  Anne leads the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science Team (PRST) in TU Dublin, where she also lectures, and has developed and chaired several MSc and BSc pharmaceutical programmes.

Prior to embarking on an academic career, Anne worked at a senior level for several years in the pharmaceutical sector, in Validation and Technical Management roles. In 2006, she was seconded for 18 months to the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) as Training Director. Anne has a PhD in Synthetic Organic Chemistry from University College Dublin, and is currently Secretary of the Irish Chapter of PDA.

Anne is also on the Board of Directors of Regulatory Science Ireland (RSI), leading the Education & Training development group.


Image for Prof Anne Greene