Dr Sinéad Currivan-Macdonald

Image for Dr Sinéad Currivan-Macdonald

Assistant Lecturer and Principal Investigator

Email: sinead.currivan@tudublin.ie

Tel: (01) 220 7994

Sinéad received her BSc (Hons) and her PhD from DCU, specialising in Analytical Chemistry. Her research in the field of separation science, took her to University of Pardubice (Czechia), The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (California, USA), the Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS, Tasmania, Australia) and the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Sinéad has also spent time working in industry, with Ipsen Manufacturing Ireland Limited, and in industry related research during her time at the Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway, Centre for Research in Engineering Surface Technology (CREST). Sinéad currently lectures to undergraduate students, as well as supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students in research activities, and is actively involved with MiCRA Biodiagnostics. Sinéad is a Principal Investigator, whose research includes monolithic media for separation science, 3D printing, point-of-care devices, glycomics, proteomics, and environmental analysis. A list of recent publications can be found on LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/sineadcurrivan/) and ResearchGate (researchgate.net/profile/Sinead-Currivan-Macdonald).

Image for Dr Sinéad Currivan-Macdonald