Dr Gordon Cooke

Image for Dr Gordon Cooke

TU Dublin Research Impact Lead & Principal Investigator

Email: Gordon.Cooke@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 220 7910

  • Joint Academic Director of MiCRA Gateway; 
  • Co-Lead: Centre For Microbial Host Interactions; 
  • B.Sc. Pharmaceutical Science Year 4 Tutor


I am currently working as the Research Impact Lead for the university. Prior to this I was a lecturer in biopharmaceutical sciences and an active research scientist. I completed my PhD in 2004 in IT Tallaght before being appointed as a Newman Fellow in UCD where I studied Barrett’s Metaplasia. I subsequently went to New Zealand where I worked in the School of Nursing at the University of Auckland, as a Research Assistant. I returned to Ireland in 2008 and worked for Prof. Seamas Donnelly in UCD as a postdoctoral researcher, in pulmonary fibrosis and bacterial infection. I then worked with Prof. Michael Keane’s group where I gained an interest in extracellular vesicles and their role in fibrotic disease and infection. I joined Technological University Dublin in August 2016 where I established my own research group examining bacterial resistance, and the role of extracellular vesicles in disease. I also have an interest in educational research around technology-enhanced learning, student retention, and student resilience.

Key Research Interests

· Microbiology

· Antibiotic Resistance

· Extracellular vesicles

· Educational Research

View publications on www.lecturehub.ie

Image for Dr Gordon Cooke