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Hender Lopez BSc, MSc, PhD

Image for Hender Lopez BSc, MSc, PhD

Assistant Lecturer


Tel: (01) 220 5723

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Dr. Hender Lopez received a BSc in Chemistry from the Universidad Simón Bolivar (Venezuela), an MSc in Physics from the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (Venezuela) and a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). He has been a postdoctoral researcher at Loughborough University (UK), University College Dublin (Ireland), Universität Tübingen (Germany), Institut Laue-Langevin and Université Grenoble Alpes (France). Since 2019, he has been a Lecturer in Physics at TU Dublin.

Research interests

Dr. Lopez's interests mainly focus on multiscale computational and mathematical modelling of soft matter with special emphasis in nanoscale physical-chemistry and bionano-interaction.

Image for Hender Lopez BSc, MSc, PhD