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Aidan D. Meade BSc MSc PhD MInstP

Image for Aidan D. Meade BSc MSc PhD MInstP



Tel: (01) 220 5729


Dr. Meade holds a BSc degree in Experimental Physics (UCD) and an MSc in Medical Physics (TCD), together with a doctoral degree from TU Dublin.

He joined the staff of TU Dublin in 2002 having been employed as a Medical Physicist at the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, St. James’s Hospital from 1997 to 2002.

His teaching interests are in radiation biology, nuclear and particle physics and data science.

He is Director of TU Dublin’s BSc in Physics with Data Science.

Research Interests

His research interests are in machine learning, hyperspectral and chemical imaging, and oncology with particular emphasis on applications in precision medicine.  

Dr. Meade's publications can be found here.


Image for Aidan D. Meade BSc MSc PhD MInstP