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Aaron Mac Raighne BA(Mod) PhD

Image for Aaron Mac Raighne BA(Mod) PhD



Tel: (01) 220 5725


Primary Degree

B.A. Mod. in Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials
Trinity College Dublin, 2:1 degree awarded

Post-graduate Degrees

PhD Trinity College Dublin, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics

Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice 
University of Glasgow (11.09.2011)

MSc in applied eLearning DIT, 2015


DIT, School of Physics Assistant Lecturer 01.11.2011 - Present
University of Glasgow, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow 01.03.2011 - 31.10.2011
University of Glasgow / University of Sheffield, Research Associate 01.10.2008 -28.02.2011
MBA/University of Glasgow 01.09.2007 - 31.09.2008

Research Interests

The development of radiation hard detectors for the next generation of high energy physics experiments. The application of these technologies to a wide field of study such as optical imaging, electron microscopy, security scanning systems and pharmaceutical application.

Research Experience

Experienced in full design and characterisation of many integrated technologies such as liquid crystal micro-lenses for confocal microscopy, high-speed optical imaging systems, high-speed direct detection electron imaging systems. Further experience covers a range of characterisation and design techniques such as integrated computer-aided-design software with Monte-Carlo simulation packages for security scanning systems and high-energy particle telescopes and micro-focussed X-ray Synchrotron radiation for sensor characterisation.

International experience

Member of the ATLAS and LHCB collaborations, the CERN RD50 research group and the Medipix detector collaboration. Previously a member of Local organising committee member for Vertex 2010 - 19th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Scotland

Funding and Scholarship Awards

STFC Science in Society Award - Engaging the Public with Cutting-Edge X-ray Detectors (2011)
John Robertson Bequest – Particle Physics Detectors for Electron Microscopy (2010)
Postgraduate Ussher Fellowship – Innovation in Optics (2003)


Sixteen scientific journal papers, first author on eleven of these with dissemination of results at several international conferences.

Image for Aaron Mac Raighne BA(Mod) PhD