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Practice Educators Workshop – Clinical Measurement

Published: 13 Mar, 2023

Clinical Measurement Science (CMS) began the New Year with a very exciting Practice Education Workshop facilitated by Ms Ann Parker, Associate Professor and Ms Lorna Doran, TU Dublin’s Practice Education Coordinator. The workshop entitled “Confidence and Competence when working with students: an interactive Practice Education workshop for Clinical Measurement Physiologists” saw over 45 delegates in attendance. It was a hugely successful, fun day with very positive feedback from the attendees.

The goal of the workshop was to support the development of enthusiasm and confidence for working with students in clinical settings, and involved practical exercises, discussion and reflection on the subject of student supervision.  The workshop also focused on adult learning models, interactive exercises to aid problem solving with students and allowed for the exchange of practical ideas on ways to work with students.

Having a relaxed forum in which the delegates could learn amongst peers was key to this efficacious day which was supported by Dr Siobhan Daly, Head of School and the CMS Team. The workshop sought to remind the valued hospital-based Practice Educators of TU Dublin’s CMS students what they already knew and to enhance their skills as practice educators.