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Mr Fintan Moran

Image for Mr Fintan Moran



Tel: (01) 220 5666

NEMOs Fellow Profile 

Name: Fintan Moran  

Background: Fintan Moran qualified in Commercial Horticulture from UCD and as a Barrister at Law in the Honorable Society of the Kings Inns. He lectures in Food and Bioscience Law at Technological University Dublin where he currently serves as a member of Academic Council. He devised and set up the M.Sc. Programme in Food Safety Management in 2001, based upon EU Law, the first in Ireland and one of the first in the world to specifically address food safety from an integrated techno-professional approach. In 2014 he added an international programme recruiting students from over 24 countries globally.  He has been a consultant on international food safety projects for the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (funded by the UNFAO), the University of Hue in Vietnam (funded by Irish Aid) and the Abu Dhabi Food Control Agency.  He incorporated sustainability, the UN SDSs and Data Analytics into the MSc programmes as key elements of the newly revised programme, the MSc in Sustainable Food Safety Management.    

Main Areas of Expertise: Food Law, Food Safety Management, Food Sustainability 

Chosen Modules: TFFS2001 Food Product Regulatory Affairs 

Sample of recent publications: 

  1. Mathews, F. Moran, A. Jaiswal. (2021) “A Review on European Union’s Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy and its Impact on Food Safety” Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol 283Elsevier

Md. A. Alam, M. Markiewicz-Keszycka, C. Pasquet, F. Moran, PJ. Cullen, C. Sullivan, M. P. Casado-Gavalda (2020). “Elemental analysis of fish feed by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Talanta 219: 2020  


  1. Albandary and F. Moran. (2020). “A Study of the Effectiveness of a Software HACCP System FoodCheck for the Management of Food Safety". Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.1 (2020): 165-170.

Myintzaw, P., Moran, F. & Jaiswal, A. K. (2020). Campylobacteriosis, consumer's risk perception, and knowledge associated with domestic poultry handling in Ireland. Journal of Food Safety.  

Moran, F., Sullivan, C., Keener, K. and Cullen P. (2017) Facilitating smart HACCP strategies with Process Analytical Technology.   Current Opinion in Food Science. 17:94:99 

Sample of recent Research projects:  

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS): a rapid solution for heavy metal quantification of feed and food 

Safedelivery” -An examination of Covid 19 and food safety concerns associated with food delivery operators 

Food related Degrees: a bottom-up approach integrating a transversal competence for Sustainable Innovation (in development) 

Development of a CPD Certificate in Educating for Food Sustainability 

The Impact of New Technology on Food Safety Regulation 


Vietnam National Ago- Forestry- Fisheries Quality Assurance Department (NAFIQAD) 

Irish Aid/ Irish Research Council (IRSET COALESCE) 

A project to facilitate synergistic cooperation between NAFIQAD, the Vietnam National Agricultural University (VNUA), FSAI, the World Bank and Agricultural and Fisheries smallholders (in development) 

University of Hue, Vietnam 

Irish Research Council (IRSET COALESCE) 

A proposal to jointly design and develop a doctoral training programme in Food and Biotechnologies Research between Hue University and Technological University of Dublin 

Abu Dhabi Food Control Agency 

Abu Dhabi Food Control Agency 

Development and delivery of a programme to upskill all staff of the agency to meet current international standards   

University of Hue, Vietnam 

Irish Aid 

Development of an MSc. Programme in Food Safety Management to address national Strategic needs 

Bangladesh Food Safety Authority 


Scoping, development and implementation of a BSc. Programme to meet the demands of the newly created role of Food Safety Inspector 


Image for Mr Fintan Moran