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Tom Crean Research Vessel Trip

Published: 8 Feb, 2023

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Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Giltrap and an interdisciplinary team of scientists from TU Dublin:
Sara Boyd (School of Food Science and Environmental Health), Dr. Eoin McGillicuddy and Dr. Patrice
Behan (School of Chemical and Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences), Prof. Gordon Chambers (School of
Physics, Clinical and Optometric sciences) who won two days of shiptime for environmental sampling
training in Dublin Bay on the newly launched Marine Institute research vessel, the R.V. Tom Crean on
Jan 20th and 21st 2023. The funding was awarded through the Marine Institute shiptime call, 2023 at a
value of €38,000.
The major objective of the training was to demonstrate to selected undergraduate and postgraduate
students, a working research vessel, and a variety of sampling methodologies for fish, for benthos, for
plankton, and for physical and chemical water properties as well as air pollution monitoring. This
hands on approach allowed the students to be able to evaluate potential impacts from pollution in
the marine environment using a multidisciplinary approach. 

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