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A warm welcome to visiting students from Liberties and Dunboyne Colleges

Published: 6 Feb, 2024

On Thursday 01 February 2024, we were delighted to welcome some students from Liberties and Dunboyne Colleges who are visiting TU Dublin and our School. The students were given the opportunity to know about the School and the programmes we offer, and tour the facilities, including chemistry, biology, microbiology, instrumentation and pharmacy dispensary laboratories. It was also a great opportunity for the visiting students to meet the School Management (Dr Julie Dunne), the Pharmacy Technician Programme Team  (Dr Tao Zhang, Dr Seana Hogan and Dr Denis O’Shea), pharmacy technician alumnus (Simon Tee-Carter, current final year BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Healthcare student), PhD student (Michail Saragatsis, pharmacist) and the first year Pharmacy Technician class. The students have a great passion for the pharmacy technician programme and were pleased to hear about various career options, progression routes as well as our alumnus Simon’s interesting and motivational story. 

Positive feedback was received from Liberties College, “On behalf of our liberties college students who are just thrilled  with excitement following their visit to TU Dublin Pharmacy Technician Department. I want to thank you so much for your kind generosity. The time you took to talk and present to them, your genuine interest and passion for your specialism/s came across so strongly opening up for them future possibilities. It was wonderful to hear the former students personal experience and progression route post the technicians course and indeed the input from the Pharmacy Technician class students. I cannot thank you and the faculty enough for your time and generosity of spirit.

We would like to wish all students the very best of luck in their CAO applications. We look forward to seeing some of their smiling faces on our beautiful campus in September.

Visit Tao 2

Visit Tao 3