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36th EFFOST International Conference 2022

Published: 15 Nov, 2022

Researchers from the Environmental Sustainability and Health Institute (ESHI) and the Food Innovation Lab in TU Dublin had a large presence at the 36th EFFOST International Conference 2022, which was held in Aviva Stadium in Dublin last week 7-9th November. This year’s theme was: Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future. The conference had over 150 presentations and 400 posters. Dr Catherine Barry-Ryan was on the Local Organising Committee.

Maame Ekua Manful gave an oral presentation on her PhD project Safety assessment of novel foods from the biorefinery of olive, grape and nut by-products’. The presentation provided an overview of TU Dublin's role in the Up4Health project and the approach taken for the safety assessment of novel foods derived in the project. The regulatory compliance information, standardisation aspects and safety evaluation approaches were highlighted with relevant examples. The theme of her session was in ‘Advances to Enhance Food Safety, Security, Authenticity and Integrity’.

Hitika Devansh Shah presented a poster of her PhD research on ensuring the safety of extracted proteins and novel food products. The poster was displayed under the theme: Emerging technologies for valorising side-streams, food waste and by-products.

PhD Student Ekene Umego also presented a poster. His project aims to ascertain the status of raw materials utilisation and by-products production in the Irish brewing & distilling sector as a basis for sustainable raw materials assessment and by-products valorisation. The study gave an insight into current trends in raw materials assessment and by-products management within the Irish brewing & distilling sector.

Ciara Kenny presented on 'Designing and Developing Health Promoting and Sustainable Meat-based Comminuted Products' - a key topic for Kepak which was really well received by those who attended. The aim of her project is to address consumer demands and UN goals for sustainable protein foods which are beneficial for health and wellbeing.

Yamuna Devi Ranganathan presented a poster on the effect of non-thermal processing such as high-pressure and cold plasma processing on the physical characteristics, total phenolics, antioxidant capacity, and microbial quality of soy and almond milk.

Dr. Kim Millar presented her research on sensory profiling of pea-flour breads using rapid descriptive methods. Her poster was on display today under the theme - Developments in foods to underpin an appealing, healthy, sustainable diet.

The conference was an excellent opportunity to meet national and international colleagues, discuss research projects and conference themes. Special thanks to TU Dublin colleagues who supported the Conference success by judging posters or chairing sessions Dr. Roisin Burke, Dr. Julie Dunne, Dr. Jesus Frias, Dr Kim Millar, Dr Lubna Ahmed, Dr Shubham Sharma and Dr. Gemma Kinsella.