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Dr. Liz O'Sullivan

Image for Dr. Liz O'Sullivan

Lecturer in Nutrition


Tel: (01) 220 5533


Liz O’Sullivan received her PhD in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University in 2016. Her dissertation research had a specific emphasis on Maternal and Infant Nutrition. Prior to commencing her role in DIT, Dr. O’Sullivan worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within University College Dublin’s Perinatal Research Centre. Her research interests centre on feeding infants human milk. This includes both feeding directly at the breast and feeding expressed human milk from a bottle.


 BA, BSc, Dip. Diet., PhD (Nutritional Sciences)  

Research Themes

Breastfeeding and human lactation


 Breastfeeding support, breast milk expression, human-milk feeding, human-milk sharing

Key Publications

O’Sullivan EJ, Geraghty SR, Rasmussen KM (2018). Awareness and prevalence of human milk sharing and selling in the United States. Maternal and Child Nutrition. Dec;14 Suppl 6:e12567

O’Sullivan EJ, Alberdi G, Scully H, Kelly N, Kincaid R, Murtagh R, Murray S, McGuiness D, Clive A, Brosnan M, Sheehy L, Dunn E, McAuliffe FM (2018). Antenatal breastfeeding self-efficacy and breastfeeding outcomes among mothers participating in a feasibility breastfeeding-support intervention. Irish Journal of Medical Science. Aug 21:1-0.

Alberdi G, O’Sullivan EJ, Scully H, Kelly N, Kincaid R, Murtagh R, Murray S, McGuiness D, Clive A, Brosnan M, Sheehy L, Dunn E, McAuliffe FM (2017). A feasibility study of a multidimensional breastfeeding-support intervention in Ireland. Midwifery. 58:86– 92.

Rasmussen KM, Felice JP, O’Sullivan EJ, Garner CD, Geraghty SR (2017). The meaning of “breastfeeding” is changing and so must our language about it. Breastfeeding Medicine. 12(9):510 – 514.

O’Sullivan EJ, Rasmussen KM (2017). Development, construct validity, and reliability of the Questionnaire on Infant Feeding: a tool for measuring contemporary infant-feeding behaviors. TheJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 117(12):1983 – 1990.

Balogun OO, O’Sullivan EJ, Gavine A, Garner CD, McFadden A, Ota E, Renfrew M, MacGillivray S (2016). Interventions for promoting the initiation of breastfeeding. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

O'SullivanEJ, Geraghty SR,RasmussenKM(2016). Human milk expression as a sole or ancillary strategy for infant feeding: a qualitative study.Maternal and Child Nutrition. Epub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12332

O'SullivanEJ, Geraghty SR,RasmussenKM(2016).Informal human milk sharing: a qualitative exploration of the attitudes and experiences of mothers. Journal of Human Lactation. 32(3):416– 424.

O'SullivanEJ, Perrine CG,RasmussenKM(2015).Early breastfeeding problems mediate the negative association between maternal obesity and exclusive breastfeeding at 1 and 2 months postpartum. The Journal of Nutrition. 145(10):2369– 2378.

Dieterich CM, Felice JP, O'Sullivan E, Rasmussen KM (2013). Breastfeeding and health outcomes for the mother-infant dyad. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 60(1):31 – 48

Professional Memberships

  • The Nutrition Society 2016 – Present

  • Association of Lactation Consultants in Ireland, associate member 2016 – Present

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2013 – 2016

  • International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation 2012 – Present

  • American Society for Nutrition 2011 – 2016

External Activities/Outreach

  • Peer reviewer for the Journal of NutritionBreastfeeding MedicineThe Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, the Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, and Maternal and Child Nutrition

  • 2016 – 2017: Co-editor of the newsletter for the Association of Lactation Consultants in Ireland


Image for Dr. Liz O'Sullivan