Dr Claire Wynne

Lecturer in Haematology
Email: claire.wynne@TUDublin.ie
Tel: (01) 220 5538
Following graduation from DIT with a BSc in Biomedical Science, Claire spent some time working in a diagnostic Haematology laboratory before carrying out research in Baylor College of Medicine, Texas. Claire was awarded an MPhil from the DIT for this work and went on to become one of the Health Research Board PhD Scholars in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). After spending time in molecular immunology laboratories in both the RCSI and Brown University, Providence, Claire completed her PhD and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the RCSI. Claire returned to the DIT in 2012 to take up her current position and graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma in Third Level Learning and Teaching in 2015. Claire now lectures in Haematology and Cell Biology and is an active researcher within the School of Biological and Health Sciences.
BSc, PgDip, MPhil, PhD
Research Themes
Molecular Immunology
Autoimmunity, Microparticles, TRIMs
Key Publications
Wynne C, Lazzari E, Smith S, McCarthy EM, Ní Gabhann J, Kallal LE, Higgs R, Cryan SA, Biron CA, Jefferies CA. TRIM68 negatively regulates IFN-β production by degrading TRK fused gene, a novel driver of IFN-β downstream of anti-viral detection systems. PLoS One (2014) 9(7): e101503
Ní Gabhann J, Spence S, Wynne C, Smith S, Byrne JC, Coffey B, Stacey K, Kissenpfennig A, Johnston J, Jefferies CA. Defects in acute responses to TLR4 in Btk-deficient mice result in impaired dendritic cell-induced IFN-g production by natural killer cells. Clin Immunol. (2012) 142(3): 373-82.
Jefferies C, Wynne C, Higgs R. Antiviral TRIMs: friend or foe in autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease? Nat Rev Immunol. (2011) A11(9): 617-25.
Professional Memberships
Fellow of the Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine
Member of International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
External Activities/Outreach
Member of the Haematology Advisory Body (ACSLM)