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Dr. Una Beagon – Elected Chair of Institution of Structural Engineers

Published: 7 Sep, 2022

Dr. Una Beagon – Elected Chair of Institution of Structural Engineers

Congratulations to Dr Una Beagon who was recently elected Chair of the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) in Ireland. Una’s involvement with the IStructE began in 2000 when she set up and became the inaugural chair of the Young Members Panel of the Institution in London. She has acted as a member of Council, a Director of the Educational Trust and various other committees within the Institution over the years. As the first woman to hold the office of Chair of the local Regional Group, Una hopes to use her position to showcase the diversity of our engineering profession to young people in Ireland.

“Engineering problems are becoming more complex and future generations of engineers will not only be catalysts of technical innovation but will also play a leading role in addressing social and economic issues to ensure sustainable solutions to our problems. We need professional engineers with the skills to work in multidisciplinary teams across cultural boundaries and this requires talented people from diverse backgrounds to help achieve the SDGs. At TU Dublin, we are working on several projects which aim to attract, retain and train our students to be the changemakers in the world who do just that”. Una Beagon.

Una Beagon pictured with past Chairs of the Institution of Structural Engineers (Republic of Ireland Regional Group) including Mr Joe Kindregan, Former Head of Department of Structural Engineering at DIT and Past President of the IStructE (2019).