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Peter Monahan

Image for Peter Monahan

Assistant Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering


Tel: 01 220 6759

Peter Monahan is an assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, but also covers some specific lectures in the Building Engineering and Multi-disciplinary Departments. Peter is qualified with BSc in Building Services Engineering from DIT in 1992, PG Diploma in Project Management from Trinity College in 2000 and more recently with the PG Cert in University Teaching & Learning with Technological University Dublin in 2021. He teaches on the L7 and L8 programs specifically Professional Development to the 1st year mechanical class, Employment Experience to the 2nd year mechanical class, supervision of L7, L8 & L9 final year mechanical projects. He also teaches Technical Graphics, CAD, MATLAB, Fire Engineering and Material Laboratories to various student cohorts on the L8 Mechanical program.

Peter brings over 25 years of Industry Experience into his lecture series from employment in Engineering consultancies such VMRA, JV Tierney, Project Management and Jacobs Engineering. He has also worked in construction management with Project Management and DPS Engineering on projects for Abbott Diagnostics, Allergan, DAA and Intel. He has used this experience and industry contacts to develop the employment experience modules on the mechanical L7 and L8 programs.

Peter is a Chartered Engineer with Engineers Ireland since 2006 and is actively involved with the Engineers Ireland selection panel at the application assessment stage and professional interview stage. Peter has been recently elected as a committee member on the Engineers Ireland Council for a 3-year term which started in May 2022. Peter is a very keen cyclist and just recently completed the Mizen Head to Malin Head Challenge with Yellow Furze Cycling to raise funds for Ukraine Appeal.

Image for Peter Monahan