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Lynette O'Callaghan

Image for Lynette O'Callaghan


Email: lynette.ocallaghan@tudublin

Tel: 01 220 6769

Lynette O’Callaghan is a lecturer in the school of mechanical and design engineering at Technological University Dublin, Bolton St.   She has a BE in Mechanical Engineering (Hons) from University College Dublin (UCD), and Masters in Applied Computing & Engineering Computation (Hons) Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT).  Her lecturing experience at TU Dublin includes engineering mathematics and computation; software training for mathematical programming, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and stress analysis packages; electromechanical engineering; and the design and delivery of practical laboratories for PLC automation, electronics and instrumentation.  She has taught on masters, honours and ordinary degree and certificate programs in engineering and computing.  Lynette has chaired the BEngTech in Mechanical Engineering program for three years, during which time the program was successfully accredited by Engineers Ireland. Her experience stems from engineering, education and research industries.  

She trained in the graduate engineering program at the Guinness Brewery in the operations department. A qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL, MEI RELSA) led to delivering modules on aFoundation Program’ for access to third level, at Dublin International Foundation College (DIFC), Griffith College.  The modules were Computer Systems & Physics with focus on student language development.   She has also delivered and scaffolded a distance learning module in ‘Mathematics Teaching Methodologies’ for a HDip in Primary Education, on behalf of Hibernia College. 

              Lynette is an experienced ‘abstract’ writer for H.W WILSON, a Research Indexing Publisher, covering Applied Science & Engineering Journals, Transactions and industry publications. Her research interests at TU Dublin include solar photovoltaic (PV) grid connected and stand-alone systems, mathematical modelling and geometrical modelling of shaded solar PV systems.  She was involved in a successful research application, Technological Sector Research (2007) Strand III, which has funded a research test bed of micro-inverters and state of the art photovoltaic modules.   She has presented her work at engineering conferences and has three publications in the area of solar photovoltaic energy,  and is a member of the Dublin energy Lab (DEL), at TU Dublin.


Image for Lynette O'Callaghan