Dr Garrett Keenaghan

Image for Dr Garrett Keenaghan

Structured Lecturer (Construction Site Management)

Email: garrett.keenaghan@TUDublin.ie

Tel: 01 220 6826

Dr Garrett Keenaghan's professional experience is in the areas of building engineering and project management. He is a PHD graduate of the Faculty of Industrial Design, Department of Cyber Physical Systems, Technical University of Delft in Holland, graduating with the title of Doctor under the supervision of Professor Imre Horváth in January 2018.

Garrett was employed for seven years  up to 2017, as Head of Construction Management in the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT). Garret has lecturing experience in Building Engineering and Construction Technology. He has supervised PHD, Master’s and PgD to graduation in 2017. He is now continuing coaching and research work in the Dublin School of Architecture at TU Dublin while also developing the Virtual Building Lab which is a TU Dublin spin out company.  

Garrett serves on an advisory committee established by the Department of Environment, Heritage and local Government. His main role on this committee relates to Montreal and Kyoto Protocol, the Pressure Equipment Directive and Industry training and upskilling. 
Garrett has been recently appointed to the QQI group review of common award systems (CAS) panel.
In his academic career to date Dr Keenaghan has played an active role at apprenticeship level up to PHD level and has progressed from Assistant Lecturer grade to management grade while at the same time furthering his academic qualifications to PHD level. His ability to communicate at all levels was instrumental to his appointment as communications manager during the Bolton Street refurbishment project.
Image for Dr Garrett Keenaghan