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Springboard+ funding for TU412 PGCert Building Performance

Published: 30 May, 2022

We're in the era of #climateaction...

For the fifth year in a row the Irish Government is heavily subsidising the serious #upskilling of #buildingdesign professionals to enable them learn and integrate essential technical design skills for new and renovated buildings.

The TU412 Postgraduate Certificate in #buildingperformance (#energyefficiency in #design) is a flexible, part-time programme that has been designed to transform the skillsets of busy #architects, #architecturaltechnologists, #buildingsurveyors and #engineers in one year.

Due to 90% fee subsidy by #springboard, the cost of all tuition and access to all resources (including videoed lectures, standards and software) will be just €250 for successful applicants. Use this link to visit the Springboard portal and learn more about the programme. (Use search terms 'NZEB' or 'performance'.)

Closing date for applications is Friday 15th July, 17:00. Tell your colleagues!

As the industry adopts innovative construction systems and materials and moves to higher standards of insulation, airtightness and mechanical ventilation in response to the #NZEB or #Passivhaus standards, risks are increasing and existing rules of thumb and assessment can be increasingly outdated, irrelevant or wrong. Building designers need to be ever more certain that our designs and specifications comply, that our u-value calculations are accurate, that thermal bridges are properly accounted for, that membranes or materials are in the right place, that moisture risk is mitigated, overheating risk minimised, etc. Through the use of a range of conceptual analysis tools, centred on energy and thermal performance calculation methodologies, computer modelling and analysis skills culminating in project assignments, students in TU412 Postgraduate Certificate in #buildingperformance (#energyefficiency in #design) has the ability to upskill and refocus their approach to building design and specification.

In Year 2 we broaden the focus to address #dynamicsimulation, finer focus on #overheating, #daylight and #ventilation, commercial #compliance, #lifecycleassessment, #circulardesign and #netzerocarbon. In both years, 6-week modules (delivered one at a time) provide deep learning while the end-of-year projects allows integration of these newly acquired skills together. Those who complete Year 2 can graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma or progress to Year 3 to conduct an exciting piece of research in Year 3.

Springboard+ funding for TU412 PCCert Building Performance - main 1