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JJ Rhatigan TU Dublin Architectural Technology Award 2023

Published: 3 Mar, 2023

The TU Dublin School of Architecture, Building and Environment (SABE) is delighted to announce the new JJ Rhatigan Award for Architectural Technology which was launched at an industry event in the second year Studio 9 on Thursday 2 March 2023.

JJ Rhatigan award architectural technology students

TU831 Architectural Technology second year students

JJ Rhatigan TU Dublin staff

TU831 Architectural Technology second year staff and Rhatigan guests

JJ Rhatigan is a leading main contractor at the forefront of the construction industry for over 65 years, combining speed and quality across a diverse range of capabilities. We deliver high quality, sustainable results building for a better future in Ireland and the UK.

Further details on the JJ Rhatigan Architectural Technology Award and the JJ Rhatigan Exceed Graduate Programme can be seen under Industry on the SABE website.