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Dr Luis Miralles

Image for Dr Luis Miralles

Assistant Lecturer


Dr Luis Miralles is currently an assistant Lecturer in TU Dublin. He is teaching several modules such as Mobile Software Development, Enterprise Application Development, or Distributed Systems. Luis Miralles is a graduate student from the University of Murcia (Spain) in Computer Engineering and has a specialization in Artificial intelligence and a PhD from that same university. He holds a Master Degree in Computer Security from the International University of La Rioja (Spain).
At the beginning of his professional career, he created several internet portals at the University of Murcia (Spain). And he was responsible for the technological part of Project Digitum (—a Java-based digital repository for the management of research documents at that university. He decided to start a PhD in 2012 on creating new approaches within the Online Advertising world. While his PhD, he got familiar with Machine Learning (ML) and he published a good number of papers on topics related to how to apply ML to online advertising. He worked as a full-time Lecturer/Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering at Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City for 3 and a half years. He has worked on issues related to machine learning and data science since 2013 and has published extensively on these topics. After finishing his PhD, he worked in postdoc levels I and II in CeADAR, University College Dublin. At that time he was involved in multiple projects related to predictive maintenance, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. One of the main projects was about applying predictive maintenance to a company in the Oil and Gas industry called Wood Group Kenny. One of his favourite topics is how to apply reinforcement learning to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and to plan the containing levels considering both public health and the economy. Lastly, he has expertise in human activity recognition and in supervising PhD students in topics like generalised zero-shot learning, web navigation accessibility and applying machine learning for improving the mobility of impaired people.


Research Interests:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Digital Forensics
  • Human Activity Recognition



Image for Dr Luis Miralles