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Research News | Professor Sarah Jane Delany appointed to an Expert Panel to review the High Performance Computing (HPC) service requirements

Professor Sarah Jane Delany appointed to an Expert Panel to review the High Performance Computing (HPC) service requirements

Published: 22 Aug, 2024

Professor Sarah Jane Delany; Full Professor of Inclusive Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at TU Dublin was appointed to an Expert Panel to review the 'High Performance Computing (HPC) service requirements for the research and innovation community in Ireland.'

Discussing the appointment to the expert panel, Professor Delany said:

High Performance Computing services have long been important in research across all the scientific disciplines.  A consequence of recent technological advances, including GenAI and systems like ChatGPT, is their significant need for computation resources. The provision of HPC for research is now a bigger issue than ever and I look forward to engaging with the research community to understand and plan for their future needs.

The panel will assess demand for a national HPC service for researchers in the higher education and enterprise sectors and make recommendations on the optimum service model to meet this demand.

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Patrick O’Donovan TD has appointed Derek Moran (former Secretary General Department of Finance), Gary Masterson, (Head of Infrastructure, Office of Government Chief Information Officer) and Professor Sarah Jane Delany (TU Dublin) to the expert panel. It will be chaired by Dr. Deirdre Lillis (Assistant Secretary – Research and Innovation) and supported by Departmental officials.

Read the full Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science statement here.