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Dr Cormac Breen

Image for Dr Cormac Breen



Tel: +353 1 220 6689

Dr Cormac Breen is a Lecturer in the School of Mathematics & Statistics. He graduated with a BSc in Theoretical Physics from UCD in 2006, he then completed an MSc in Mathematical Physics in UCD in 2007 and following this studied for his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Adrian Ottewill, also in UCD, which he completed in 2011. After taking some time out to travel the world, he joined the DIT School of Mathematical Sciences (now the School of Mathematics & Statistics) as an Assistant Lecturer in January 2013 and has worked there since.

His research interests mainly lie in the quantum aspects of black holes and he conducts research in the areas of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes and semi-classical gravity.

Image for Dr Cormac Breen