Dr Muhammad Arshad

Email: muhammad.arshad@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 (0) 1 220 8572
Academic and Professional Profile:
I serve as a Lecturer within the School of Informatics and Cybersecurity housed within the distinguished Faculty of Computing, Digital, and Data at our esteemed university. My academic responsibilities encompass the role of module teacher for pivotal courses:
- Secure Communication and Cryptography (PG)
- Graphical User Interface Programming (UG)
- Fundamentals of Programming I (UG).
My professional journey has taken me beyond international borders and has given me unique perspectives from many contexts. I began my professional life in Pakistan and then added to my academic and professional experience in Canada, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia. Eighteen years of visionary, leading from the front, leadership in academia and industry, achieving ambitious growth targets with huge socio-economic impact on society. Proven highly successful record of spearheading massive reform, enhancement of quality, and growth of academic organizations in the public and private sectors.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Malaysia - Master of Science (MSc) in Mobile and High-Speed Telecommunication Networks (Distinction)
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom - Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Information Technology (Communication Networks)
North American School of Information Technology, Ontario, Canada 2002 – 2003 - Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Engineering
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan 1997 – 2001 - Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) in RTV-Electronics
Sindh Board of Technical Education, Karachi, Pakistan
My research interests are situated at the intriguing convergence of technology, organizations, and society. As a professional in the field of information and communication technology, my academic journey has encompassed a diverse array of investigations, delving into critical aspects of communication networks, cloud computing/networking, and cybersecurity. Here are my academic and professional profiles:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.my/citations?user=wBhPDdUAAAAJ&hl=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-arshad-6665b919/
I am currently accepting MSc/PhD students in the above-mentioned broader areas of research.