Dr Matt Smith

Senior Lecturer
Email: Matt.Smith@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 7396
Matt’s research involves interactive multimedia interfaces, including web-based and AR/VR systems. Projects of his past and present research students include computer game localisation, novel audio-visual interfaces for sound synthesis, serious 3D games for construction industry energy efficient building training, biometric measurement of presence in VR, and semiotic-perceptual principled visual communication theory for the design and evaluation of AR interfaces.
His B.Sc. teaching includes web programming, analysis and design, and he also teaches on the B.A. Creative Digital Media interactive 3D environments module.
Matt’s Unity Cookbook (Packt) is now in its 5th edition, and his new PHP Crash Course book was published December 2024 (No Starch Press). Chapter contributions in other books include: Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Approach (Springer-Verlag), Musical Imagery (Swets & Zeitlinger), Serious Games and Entertainment Applications (Springer-Verlag), Handbook of Research on Designing User Interfaces With a Data Science Approach (IGI Global)
Matt is a member of the computing subject experts for QQI. He has been external and internal examiner for programmes and research degrees, a member of the college’s academic council and postgraduate research subcommittee, and is currently a member of TU Dublin’s Research and Innovation Academy.
Universities he has been a student and lecturer at include: Huddersfield University, King’s College Aberdeen University, the Open University, University of Winchester, Middlesex University and is currently senior lecturer in computing at TU Dublin.
His collaborations have included the Language Centre of Brighton University, the Institute for Learning and Teaching Research at London Metropolitan University, the Department of Computing at Edinburgh University, and the Faulty of Informatics at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
When he has time he contributes to open-source projects, including the Symfony PHP web application framework, and the Fungus dialogue system for the Unity game engine.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8116-0836
Github: https://github.com/dr-matt-smith
Research Profile: https://researchprofiles.tudublin.ie/en/persons/matt-smith-2