Dr Marie Brenan

Email: Marie.Brennan@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 7365
Marie Brennan is a lecturer at the Technological University Dublin – Blanchardstown campus. She completed her research masters in the area of eLearning in 2006. She lectures full-time in the School of Computing and Cyber Security. Her subject areas include Web Development, Web Applications, Databases, Research Skills, Ethics, Project Skills, and Personal and Professional Development. Marie is the course coordinator for year 1 Computing and Cyber Security as well as coordinating the Higher Diploma in computing.
Marie also has a Ph.D. award. Her research interests are in the area of academic policy in higher education. She has a particular interest in grounded theory and is currently involved in co-supervising a PhD candidate using this method.
She was part of a working group on digital education policy and is involved in activities such as conducting analysis of current practices by reviewing existing TU Dublin policies and conducting bench research, exploring similar policies from national and international third-level institutes.
She is currently active in the sustainability working group with the university and is exploring ways of incorporating sustainability into the curriculum.
She is also a member of the Centre for Higher Education Policy and Practice. In the 16 years that Marie has lectured students have always been at the center of her approach to her teaching. Marie is a very dedicated lecturer and researcher and makes the education of her students her priority at all times. Marie achieved the teaching hero award in 2014 in recognition of this.