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Research Student activity

Published: 26 Jan, 2023

It’s been an active few months for research students in the School of Informatics and Cybersecurity. In 2022 Creative Digital Media lecturer and part-time Ph.D. student Nina Lyons (supervised by Dr. Matt Smith & Hugh McCabe) published a book chapter entitled "Removing The Screen: Measuring The Effectiveness of Aesthetically Relevant UI Design for New Technologies", in the Handbook of Research on Designing User Interfaces With a Data Science Approach, (Eds: Abhijit Banubakode, Ganesh Bhutkar, Yohannes Kurniawan & Chhaya Gosavi). IGI Global, USA ( In November Ph.D. student Krzysztof Szczurowski (supervised by Dr. Matt Smith and Dr. Paul Stacey), created and chaired a VR experimentation tutorial at international conference. The conference was the IEEE International Conference on Games, Entertainment, & Media 2022 (, held in Barbados. In Jan 2023 Chris Gregan (supervised by Dr. Matt Smith & Dr. Stephen Sheridan) joined the School as a new, part-time M.Phil. student, investigating how to design an effective visual programming language and adaptive code editing interface for validating and processing data files. Chris is an experienced full-time games programmer (lead architect) at Ireland's Romero Games based in Galway. Finally, in February/March 2023 Jakub Štěpán, a Ph. D. student from CZU University in Prague, will visit our Blanchardstown campus, to work on a short project with Dr. Matt Smith investigating collaborative human-AI interactive product design.