Eileen Costelloe

Email: Eileen.Costelloe@tudublin.ie
Tel: (01) 220 7895
Eileen Costelloe is a lecturer of computing in the Technological University Dublin, Tallaght Campus. She has over twenty years’ lecturing experience, primarily in the areas of Software Development and Analysis and Design, and has delivered a wide variety of other modules during this time. Prior to lecturing, she worked in software development and networking roles for several years.
She has a keen interest in innovative approaches to teaching and learning and her research work includes the design, development, and deployment of SCORM-compliant reusable learning objects to support the teaching of introductory programming (Java) and the design and use of a scaffolding tool to assist undergraduate students in problem solving. Current research areas include the exploration of effective study strategies for students, and the prediction of a student’s performance on an introductory computer programming course to help inform early interventions.