Justine Emoe

Programme Manager
Email: justine.emoe@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 6358
Justine Emoe is an Executive Education Programme Manager with the Graduate Business School. She is a graduate of DIT (now TU Dublin) School of Marketing. She holds a Masters in Marketing and a Masters in Education. Prior to joining TU Dublin Justine’s career incorporated marketing and sales management roles in the ICT, Food and Not for Profit sectors. Since joining the Graduate Business School, Justine has led a number of major executive education programmes in the disciplines of Sales and Leadership. To date, she has supported well over 1,000 of our C-level and senior executive graduates on their learning journeys.
Justine has witnessed applied executive education in action, across numerous industries, sectors, functions and roles. This experience informed her most recent Masters dissertation research, which focuses on the role of supervisor support in enhancing learning outcomes in executive education.