Dr. Thoa Pham

Email: thoa.pham@tudublin.ie
Tel: (01) 220 6512
Dr. Thoa Pham is a lecturer in School of Business Technology, Retail and Supply Chain, TU Dublin. She got her PhD in Information Systems from the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Her research interests are in the domains of Innovation of Information Systems, Service Science and Data Analytics. She has been a track co-chair of AMCIS and IESS conferences for many years.
She has taught many IT subjects in Universities such as Mobile Application Development, Algorithms and Data Structures, Database and Advanced Databases, Information Systems Analysis and Design, Spatial Databases, Database Management Systems, Software Testing, and Software Engineering and Software Processes.
Current Research
Current research focuses on Service Sciences and Smart services.
Academic Journal Publications
- Thang Le Dinh, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Cuong Pham-Nguyen, Le Nguyen Hoai Nam, A knowledge-based model for context-aware smart service systems, Journal of Information and Telecommunication, Taylor & Francis, Vol 6, Issue 2, 2022.
- Thang Le Dinh, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Collaborative Business Service Modelling in Knowledge-Intensive Enterprises, International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE) IGI Global, Issue 3, 2016.
- Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Thang Le Dinh, Markus Helfert, Modelling Collaborative Business Services, International Journal of Services Sciences (IJSSCI), InderScience Publisher, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2013.
- Thang Le Dinh, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, An Information-Driven Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Business Service Modelling, International Journal JSSMET Vol. 3, No. 1, IGI Global, 2012.
- Khadraoui, M. Leonard, T.T. Pham Thi, H. Markus, A framework for Compliance of Legacy Information Systems with Legal Aspect, International Journal of AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, Vol.1 2009, pp. 15-26.
- Pham Thi T.T., Helfert M., Modelling Information Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Information Quality, InderScience Publisher, No.1, Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 5‐
Chapters in Books
- T Pham Thi, Andrea Ballatore, Junjun Yin, Linh Truong-Hong, James D. Carswell, A Case Study for eCampus Spatial-Business Data Exploration, IGI Global, book chapter in "Handbook of Research on Geospatial Science and Technologies", pp.240-270, ISSN: 2327-5715, 2018.
- Andrea Ballatore, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Junjun Yin, Linh Truong-Hong, James D. Carswell, Design and Development of Personal GeoServices for Universities. IF&GIS 2015, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 2015, pp 3-26.
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Thi My Hang Vu, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Thang Le Dinh, Towards a Rule Modelling Framework in Context-Aware Services, 13th International Conference on Exploring Service Science, Geneva, 2023
- Thang Le Dinh, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Nguyen Anh Khoa Dam, William Menvielle, A Service Science Perspective on Resilience of Service Organisations, ITM Web of Conferences, 2021
- Thang Le Dinh, Thoa Pham, Cuong Pham Nguyen, Nam Nguyen Le, Towards A Context-Aware Knowledge Model for Smart Service Systems, International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, 2020, Springer.
- Joe Timoney, Carlos Amaral, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Adam Winstanley, A continuation on the data analysis for the Dublin Bike rental scheme, GISRUK 2018.
- T.T. Pham Thi, Joe Timoney, Shyram Ravichandran, Peter Mooney, Adam Winstanley, Bike Renting Data Analysis: The Case of Dublin City, GISRUK 2017.
- A Tillekens, NA Le-Khac, T.T. Pham Thi, A Bespoke Forensics GIS Tool, IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), 2016.
- Peter Mooney, Thoa Pham, Adam C. Winstanley, Teaching with Open Street Maps, 24th GIS Research UK, 2016.
- Truong-Hong ,T.T. Pham Thi, J. Yin, J. Carswell, Detailed 3D Building Models for Google Earth Integration, ICCSA 2013, Springer-Verlag, Ho Chi Minh city, June 2013.
- T. Pham Thi, L. Truong-Hong, J. Yin, J. Carswell, Exploring Spatial Business Data: A ROA Based eCampus Application, W2GIS 2013, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 7820, pp. 164-179.
- T. Pham Thi, L. Truong-Hong, J. Yin, J. Carswell, A service Oriented Architecture for Spatial and Business Data Application: an eCampus Case Study, 2nd Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research, Taiwan, Dec 2012.
- Petkow, M. Helfert, T.T. Pham Thi, Discovering data quality issues in service-oriented architectures: A framework and case study, in BMSB 2012, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Business Modelling and Software Design, pp72-80.
- Thang Le Dinh, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Application de la science de services à la conception d'un programme d'enseignement dans les mondes virtuels, Congrès International de Pédagogie Universitaire AIPU, Québec, Mai 2012.
- Pham Thi T.T., Markus Helfert, Discovering Business Rules from Business Process Models, International Conference CompSysTech’11, June 2011, Vienna (Session Best Paper Award).
- Pham Thi T.T., Helfert M., Monitoring Information Quality within Web Service Composition and Execution, International Conference on Information System Development, Springer Verlag, August 2011, Edinburgh.
- Ray Walshe, Markus Helfert, Howard Duncan, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi, Integrated Programme for Inter-Institutional Collaboration in Teaching and Research, International Conference on E-Learning, Bucharest August 2011 (Best Paper Award).
- Pham Thi T.T., Helfert M., Discovering Dynamic Integrity Rules with a Rules-Based Tool for Data Quality Analyzing, ACM International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, Sofia, June 2010.
- Pham Thi T.T., Le Dinh T., Helfert M., Leonard M., Modelling Collaborative Services: The COSEMO model, ICSOFT’10, Athens, July 2010.
- Le Dinh and T. T. Pham-Thi, A conceptual framework for service modelling in a network of service system, the First International Conference on Exploring Services Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland, Springer, Feb 2010.
- Pham Thi T.T., Helfert M., An Information Systems Quality Framework based on Information System Architectures, the 16th International Conference on Information Systems Development, Springer, ISD’07, Galway, August 2007.
- Pham Thi T.T., Helfert M., A review of quality framework in information systems, the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Applications (ISTA’07), ISBN 978-3-88579-201-9, Kharkiv, Ukraine, May 2007.
- Pham Thi T.T., Helfert M., Duncan H., The IASDO model for Information Manufacturing Systems Modelling, the 11th International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ'06), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, November 2006.
- Pham Thi T.T., Léonard M., An Advanced Data Model for Information Systems Modelling, the 2nd International Advanced Databases Conference (IADC'06), San Diego, USA, June 2006, ISBN: 0-9742448-6-4.
- Pham Thi T.T., Dong Thi B.T, Bui M.T.D, Léonard M., Spécification de workflow avec le modèle IASDO, IEEE the 4th International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future (RIVF'06), Information and Communication Technologies, HoChiMinh city, February 2006.
- Pham Thi T. T., The ISDA model for Integrating Static and Dynamic Aspects in Information Systems, the 1st International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications (INTEROP-ESA'05), Geneva, Switzerland, February 2005.