Dr Nikolaos Valantasis Kanellos

Email: Nikolaos.ValantasisKanellos@tudublin.ie
Tel: (01) 220 6645
Nikolaos Valantasis Kanellos is a Lecturer in Logistics, and Program Coordinator of the MSc in Logistics an Supply Chain Management at the Technological University Dublin, Ireland. He is a member of the National Institute for Transport and Logistics. Nikolaos previously worked as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Regional Development in Panteion University, Greece, and as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in Heriot-Watt University, UK. He obtained his PhD in Port-centric Logistics from Heriot-Watt University, UK.
Nikolaos's research interests include sustainable supply chain management, green transportation, maritime supply chains, and port centric logistics. He has delivered numerous presentations in international conferences and government seminars, has published articles in international academic journals and has written for media outlets such as RTE Brainstorm and The Conversation. Interviews with Nikolaos have featured in articles by The Irish Times, China Global Television Network, and other print and online outlets.
Current research focuses on the decarbonisation of logistics and freight transport through the identification of determinant for the uptake of cleaner energy vehicles by logistics operators, with particular focus on exploring attitudes and perceptions of Irish road freight operators toward adopting Bio-Methane fuelled vehicles.
Academic Journal Publications
Zhang, X.; Plant, E.; Valantasis Kanellos, N. An Evaluation of Ireland’s Sustainable Freight Transport Policy. Logistics 2022, 6, 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/logistics6030065
Karamperidis, S., Valantasis-Kanellos, N. Northern sea route as an emerging option for global transport networks: a policy perspective. WMU J Marit Affairs 21, 425–452 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13437-022-00273-3
Helene Bareksten Solvang, Stavros Karamperidis, Nikolaos Valantasis-Kanellos & Dong-Wook Song (2018) An exploratory study on the Northern Sea Route as an alternative shipping passage, Maritime Policy & Management, 45:4, 495-513, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2018.1446104
Chapters in Books
Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Song, D.W. (2021) ‘Port Centric Logistics in concept and practice’, in Song, D.W. and Panayides, P.M., eds., Maritime Logistics: A Complete Guide to Effective Shipping and Port Management, 3rd ed, London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 279-320
Salhin, A., Kyiu, A., Taheri, B., Porter, C., Valantasis Kanellos, N., and König, C. (2016) ‘Quantitative Data Gathering Methods and Techniques’, in Paterson, A., Leung, D., Jackson, W., MacIntosh, and O’Gorman, K., R., eds., Research Methods for Accounting & Finance: A guide to writing your dissertation 2nd ed,, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd., pp. 168-186
Rae, S., Salhin, A., Taheri, B., Porter, C., König, C., and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2016) ‘Approaches to Quantitative Data Analysis and Evaluation’, in Paterson, A., Leung, D., Jackson, W., MacIntosh, and O’Gorman, K., R., eds., Research Methods for Accounting & Finance: A guide to writing your dissertation 2nd ed,, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd., pp. 187-210
Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Song, D.W. (2015) ‘Port Centric Logistics in concept and practice’, in Song, D.W. and Panayides, P.M., eds., Maritime Logistics: A Complete Guide to Effective Shipping and Port Management, 2nd ed, London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 243-274
Taheri, B., Porter, C., Valantasis Kanellos, N., and König, C. (2015) ‘Quantitative Data Gathering Techniques’, in O’Gorman, K. and MacIntosh, R., eds., Research Methods for Business & Management: A guide to writing your dissertation 2nd ed., Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd., pp, 140-173
Taheri, B., Porter, C., König, C., and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2015) ‘Quantitative Data Analysis Approaches’, in O’Gorman, K. and MacIntosh, R., eds., Research Methods for Business & Management: A guide to writing your dissertation 2nd ed,, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd., pp. 174-195
Taheri, B., Lu, L. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2014) ‘Gathering quantitative data’, in O’Gorman, K. and MacIntosh, R., eds., Research Methods for Business & Management: A guide to writing your dissertation, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd., 153-172
Working Paper Series Arrow/TU Dublin
Donnelly, A., Leva, M. C., Tobail, A., Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2018) A Generic Integrated and Interactive Framework (GIIF) for developing information literacy skills in higher education. PG Diploma in Practitioner Research Projects, DIT, 2018
Media Work
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2022) ‘Food prices: how countries are using the global crisis to gain geopolitical power’, The Conversation.
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2022) ‘Shanghai: world’s biggest port is returning to normal, but supply chains will get worse before they get better’, The Conversation.
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2022) ‘Five essential commodities that will be hit by the war in Ukraine’, The Conversation.
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2022) ‘Supply chains in 2022: shortages will continue, but for some sellers the problems will be too much stock’, The Conversation.
Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Schiffling, S. (2021) ‘Can we ensure the supply chain Grinch doesn't steal Christmas?’, ‘RTE-Brainstorm’
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2021) ‘Dark side of Black Friday: the major drawbacks with this shopping bonanza’, The Conversation.
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2021) ‘How the Ever Given exposed the fragility of global supply chains’, RTE-Brainstorm.
Zhang, X. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2021) ‘What's The Size of Your Next-Day Delivery's Carbon Footprint?’, RTE Brainstorm
Trade Publications
Zhang, X. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2021) Urban Logistics and Decarbonisation Practices in Ireland, in The Haulage Strategy Webinar – Department of Transport, Dublin, Ireland, 16 June 2021.
Schiffling, S. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2021) ‘Ship Happens: Ever Given and Forgotten’, World Infrastructure Journal.
Muddhar, A., Valantasis Kanellos, N., Plant, E. (2016) ‘Self-driving vehicles in road freight transport’, Linkline, Yearbook 2017, pp.79-83
Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2016) ‘Service led strategies of UK ports and intermediaries’, invited presentation in the workshop on Satellite Services for Integrated Port Logistics, organized by Transport Systems Catapult and European Space Agency, Milton Keynes, UK, 10 March 2016
Conference Papers
Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Zhang, X. (2022) Determinants for the uptake of Alternatively Fuelled HGVs: Towards a Maturity Framework, 26th International Symposium on Logistics, Cork, Ireland, 10-13 July, DOI: 10.21427/d1m9-7660
Zhang, X., Plant, E., and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2022) Capturing Sustainability Goals in City Logistics: A Delphi Approach to Develop Sustainability Indicators, 26th International Symposium on Logistics, Cork, Ireland, 10-13 July, DOI: 10.21427/ej3w-3g95
Prasad, A., Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Zhang, X. (2021) Is biomethane a viable alternative to decarbonise the Irish haulage sector? A case study of grocery deliveries in Dublin, in Annual Logistics Research Network, Conference, Cardiff, 8-10 September 2021
Nazemzadeh Goki, M., Sayareh, J. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2021) Lessons from port of Piraeus for port of Chabahar: a benchmarking approach in Foreign Investment in infrastructure, in SIGA2 WCTRS Conference ,Antwerp, Belgium, 5-7 May
Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Caldwell, N. (2020) Growth strategies in logistics supply networks: an ERBV perspective, in Annual e-Logistics Research Network, 8-10 September 2020
Zhang, X., Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Plant, E. (2019) Environmental sustainability of logistics service providers: A Systematic literature review on indicators for city logistics, in 24th International Symposium on Logistics, Würzburg, Germany, 14-17 July
Valantasis Kanellos, N. and Caldwell, N. (2019) Port Supply Network Strategies: An ERBV perspective, 26th EurOMA: Operations adding value to society, Helsinki, Finland, 17-19 June.
Kavanagh, J. and Valantasis Kanellos, N. (2018) ‘Can supply chain coopetition enable small and medium enterprises to compete with large enterprises and meet contemporary challenges: Evidence from the Irish Whisky sector’, in 23rd Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Plymouth, UK, 5-7 September 2018
Valantasis Kanellos, N., Caldwell, N., and Piecyk, M.I. (2016) ‘A typology of multidirectional and multifaceted service led strategies of UK ports and intermediaries’, in 7th Irish Transport Research Network, Dublin, Ireland, 1-2 September 2016
Solvang, H., Karamperidis, S., Valantasis Kanellos, N., and Song, D.W. (2016) ‘A dynamic capabilities perspective on first mover advantage of Norway in the Northern Sea Route’, in 23rd International Association of Maritime Economics, Hamburg, Germany, 23-26 August 2016
Valantasis Kanellos, N., Caldwell, N. and Piecyk, M.I. (2014) 'Contemporary competitive strategies for UK container ports in the era of servitisation: A Conceptual framework', in 3rd International Conference on Business Servitisation, Bilbao, Spain, 13-14 November 2014.
Valantasis Kanellos, N., Caldwell, N. and Piecyk, M.I. (2014) 'Contemporary operations strategies of UK container ports in the era of servitisation: A Conceptual framework', in 7th International EurOMA Service Operations Management Forum, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 21-23 September 2014.
Valantasis Kanellos, N., Piecyk, M.I. and Caldwell, N. (2014) 'Port Centric Logistics: An operations strategy for UK ports in the era of servitisation', in 19th International Symposium on Logistics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 6-9 July 2014.
Valantasis Kanellos, N., Piecyk, M.I. and Song, D.-W. (2013) 'The Port Centric Logistics concept: A systematic literature review', in 18th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Birmingham, UK, 4-6 September 2013.