Dr Marzieh Nazemzadeh Goki

Assistant Lecturer
Email: Marzieh.nazemzadehgoki@tudublin.ie
Tel: 01 220 6630
Marzieh Nazemzadeh Goki is a lecturer at the Technological University of Dublin since October 2020, where she teaches Supply Chain Management in the master’s program. She holds a PhD from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, which combines economics and business strategies, port development and investment, and supply chain and logistics operations.
Marzieh has extensive experience in teaching and conducting policy research. Notably, she has managed a joint project of the University of Genoa, Italy, and the Ministry of Transport and Urban Development of Iran.
Her research has been published in prestigious academic journals and has been presented at international conferences and she is often invited to chair sessions.
Marzieh contributes to the next generation of academic in this field by advising and supervising PhD and MSc dissertations.
Academic Journal Publications
- ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, “The role of modern ports in the national economic development: An application to Iran and the Port of Bandar Abbas” American Society of Civil Engineers, International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018, pp. 180-190.
- “The contribution of transport infrastructure to economic activity: the case of Belgium”, et al, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2017, Vol. 5, pp. 316–324.
- “The Role of Port Infrastructure in Economic Development with an Application to Belgium and the Port of Antwerp”, Doctoral Thesis. University of Antwerp, Applied Economy Faculty, Department of Transport and Regional Economics, December 2016.
- “The Container Transport System: Selection Criteria and Business Attractiveness for North-European ports”, et al, Maritime Economics and Logistics, 2015, 17, 221-245.
- "Analysis of IT Centres Effect on Knowledge-Based Economy", et al, Management and Planning Organization of Bushehr, 2007.
- Paper "Migration Dynamic of skilled Iranian Workforce", et al, Iran’s Ministry of Labor and social affairs, 2006.
Case Studies
- "Socioeconomic role of small ports in southern Iran in transportation and recreating the latent sub-cultures and identities of the region", Research project in Deputy of Planning and Resource Management, Ministry of Road and Urban Development of Iran, ongoing.