Farrah Higgins

Email: farrah.higgins@tudublin.ie
Tel: (01) 220 6492
Farrah is a lecturer, internship coordinator and programme coordinator within the Faculty of Business. She teaches modules on the level 8 Business Computing and Business Analytics programmes in the following areas: NoSQL, Business Modelling, Enterprise Database Systems, Java Object Oriented Software Development, and Component Based Development. She supervises final year projects on the B.Sc. in Business Computing and consultancy research projects for MBA students.
As an internship coordinator, Farrah manages relationships with our ICT industry partners to identify opportunities for our students within their organisation. Prior to joining TU Dublin, Farrah worked for 15 years in both multinational and domestic software consultancy companies. During this time, she worked in a variety of roles from strategic leadership/team management roles to project management roles to more technical roles in Software Engineering.
Farrah is a strong advocate for gender diversity and inclusion in ICT and computer programming roles. She is involved in student recruitment for industry mentoring programmes at TU Dublin, such as ESTeEM and SAER, and events supporting female diversity in ICT. Farrah is an active member of the TU Dublin WITU (Women in Technology United) group, which is a pan university group with the aim of retaining women, trans, and gender non-conforming students in technology courses and increases gender diversity in technology courses.
Current research focuses:
- Diversity and Inclusion.
- Authentic Assessments.
- Work-based learning.
- Mentoring and Leadership Development.
- Professional Development.
Academic Journal Publications
Higgins, Farrah (2021). Authentic Assessments: Preparing Undergraduate Computing Students for a New Future of Remote Internships. Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol.9: Iss. 2 (6).
Working Paper Series Arrow/TU Dublin
Higgins, Farrah (2021). Reflective blogs: Supporting students' learning experiences while on work placement. Practitioner Research Projects. 30. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ltcpgdprp/30