Ms.Sharadha V. Tilley

Image for Ms.Sharadha V. Tilley

Lecturer in Finance


Tel: +3531 220 6458

Sharadha Tilley is a Lecturer in Finance and was a recipient of the Fiosraigh Dean of Graduate Students Award in 2015 for her current PhD studies entitled “Essays on Illegal Banking Behaviour” where she attempts to identify the impact of regulatory enforcement actions on bank behaviour. Prior to embarking on an academic career, she worked in the FinTech industry as a regulatory analyst in Ireland and in an accounting firm in the Sultanate of Oman. 

Primary Research Empirical Banking, Bank Regulation, Bank Enforcement
Modules FNCE 9005 International Finance 1, FNCE 9008 International Finance 2 FNCE 3005 Financial Services & Financial Institutions, FIN 2003 Finance 2
Qualifications MSc Accounting & Finance, DBS | BA in Economics, Delhi University


Sharadha's research profile on TU Dublin PURE

Tilley, S. V., Byrne, B., & Coughlan, J. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Fines on Bank Reputation in the US and UK. Available at SSRN 2980352.

Prior to academia, Sharadha worked as a Compliance Risk Analyst with Corlytics, performing due diligence, analysing control points and assessing the regulatory implications of financial fines and building a database for the same. Specialised skills in Basel, CRD IV Directives, MiFiD with a focus on administrative penalties and fining regimes. Sharadha is an affiliate member of ACCA.

Sharadha Tilley - ORCID            Sharadha V Tilley | LinkedIn

Image for Ms.Sharadha V. Tilley