Dr. Lucy Bowe

Image for Dr. Lucy Bowe

Lecturer in Accounting

Email: lucy.bowe@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 220 6428

Dr. Lucy Bowe is a lecturer in Accounting, Taxation and Strategy & Leadership in Accounting & Finance. Her research interests focus on the social and institutional dimensions of taxation, with a particular interest in innovation in tax administration and perspectives of stakeholders, including large corporate taxpayers, tax administrations, and tax intermediaries.

Primary Research Collaborative Taxation Administration | Cooperative Compliance
Modules ACCT 9206 Financial Accounting, ACCT 9100 Business Taxation, FNCE 3000 Strategy & Leadership in Accounting, ACCT 9026 Project Supervision
Qualifications PhD, University of Galway | MAcc, BComm (International) University College Dublin | FCA, chartered Accountants Ireland | CTA, Irish Tax Institute 

Lucy's Research Profile on TU Dublin PURE

Bowe, L. (2024). A collaborative tax administration: The case of co-operative compliance in Ireland. Doctoral Thesis, University of Galway.

Bowe, L. (2021). Co-operative Compliance in Tax Administration: The Case of Ireland. In Contemporary Issues in Taxation Research, 4(83), Fiscal Publications.

Delaney, M., Bowe, L., Fitzgerald, B., MacCann, P., & Ryan, C. (2016). Methods for Deriving Individual Marks From Group Work.

Lucy is a chartered accountant and member of the Irish Taxation Institute. Prior to academia, she worked in corporate tax departments of international accounting firms, including as Tax Manager at Deloitte. She has also been involved in the delivery and assessment of the Chartered Tax Consultant and Chartered Tax Advisor programs. 

Lucy Bowe | LinkedIn

Image for Dr. Lucy Bowe