Dr. Emma Howard

Image for Dr. Emma Howard

Lecturer in Economics

Email: emma.howard@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 220 6384

Emma is an Economist and Lecturer at TU Dublin, and Chair of the Irish Society for Women in Economics (ISWE). She is a member of the UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group (BSP), a committee member of the Irish Behavioural Science and Policy Network (IBSPN), and member of the External Advisory Group for the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service (IGEES). Prior to working in TU Dublin, Emma was an Economics Fellow at University of Oxford & Mansfield College. 

Primary Research Behavioural Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Gender Equality
Modules BSST 6008 Behavioural Economics, ECON 9105 Introductory Microeconomics
Qualifications PhD in Economics, TCD | MSc in Economics, TCD| MSc in Education, | BA (hons) in Economics, TCD 


Emma's Research Profile on TU Dublin PURE

Howard, E., Doyle, O., & Peia, O. (2024). Introduction to the ESR Special Issue on “Gender, Economics and Society”. The Economic and Social Review55(3, Autumn), 273-279.

Laffan, K., & Howard, E. (2024). The impact of explaining vegetarian meal requests on the affective responses and perceptions of meat eaters. Scientific Reports14(1), 24262.

Doyle, O., & Howard, E. (2024). “If You Can’t See It, You Can’t Be It!” News Media Engagement and Gender Differences Among Irish Economists. The Economic and Social Review55(4, Winter), 545-567.

Emma Howard | LinkedIn        Emma Howard - ORCID

Image for Dr. Emma Howard