Dr. Catarina Marvão

Image for Dr. Catarina  Marvão

Lecturer in Economics

Email: catarina.marvao@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 402 3097

Catarina is interested in behavioural Industrial Organization and Finance with antitrust applications, such as understanding hard-core cartels to design antitrust policies to deter collusive practices. Her work focuses on recidivism, banking infringements, cartel damages and managerial incentives. It has been published in leading journals and earned her several prizes and grants. In 2023, she was awarded “Rising Star in Competition” prize by W@Comp. She previously worked at the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) and Portuguese Water Regulator (ERSAR). 

Primary Research Industrial Economics | Behavioural Finance | Antitrust
Modules BSRM 1002 Research Methods | ECON 2018 Economics of Strategy |  RSHP 4000 Research Methods
Qualifications PhD in Economics, TCD | MSc in Economics, Université Catholique de Louvain and Catolica Lisbon 

Catarina's Research Profile on TU Dublin PURE

Bloomfield, M. J., Marvão, C, Spagnolo, G.1 Nov 2023In: Journal of Accounting and Economics. 762-3, 101608.

Forsbacka, T., Le Coq, C., & Marvão, C. (2023). Cartel birth and death dynamics: Empirical evidence. International Journal of Industrial Organization89, 102932.

Marvão, C., & Spagnolo, G. (2023). Leniency Inflation, Cartel Damages, and Criminalization. Review of Industrial Organization63(2), 155-186

Buccirossi, P., Marvão, C., & Spagnolo, G. (2020). Leniency and damages: Where is the conflict? The Journal of Legal Studies49(2), 335-379.

Catarina is an affiliated faculty at Stockholm School of Economics, and part of the Central Bank of Ireland’s External Expert Program, as NGA advisor on cartels for the CCPC. She is a Fulbright alumni and grant reviewer, contributes to co-curricular activities through mentorship and judging panels and is a member of European Association for Research in Industrial Economics and European Finance Association.

Catarina Marvão | LinkedIn      Catarina Marvão | ORCID

Image for Dr. Catarina  Marvão