Dr. Caroline Flynn

Image for Dr. Caroline  Flynn

Lecturer in Accounting

Email: caroline.flynn@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 220 8111

Dr Caroline Flynn is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland who qualified in audit at one of the 'Big Four' firms. She has extensive lecturing experience and has supervised final-year projects and masters dissertations, has been a course tutor and has acted as an academic mentor for students on work placement. Her teaching style is friendly and approachable which helps to foster student engagement and discussion. She obtained her PhD from the Management School at Queen's University Belfast under the supervision of Prof. Ciaran Connolly. Her research examined risk transfer in operational Public Private Partnerships in the education sector. 

Primary Research Public Private Partnerships, Risk, Sustainability Reporting and Auditing
Modules ACCT 3003 Advanced Financial Reporting | ACCT 2011 Advanced Financial Reporting | ACCT 9207 Financial Reporting |  Auditing and Taxation
Qualifications PhD, Queen university Belfast | FCA, Chartered Accountants Ireland, PG Cert in University Teaching and Learning, PGDip in Accounting, BSc


Caroline's Research Profile on TU Dublin PURE

Flynn, C. (2020). Risk Transfer in Operational Public Private Partnerships in the Education Sector (Doctoral dissertation, Queen's University Belfast).

Caroline is interested in supervising students in many topics particularly those relating to risk, public private partnerships and sustainability reporting.



Image for Dr. Caroline  Flynn