Sinead Freeman

Tel: 2205465
PhD, Department of Social Sciences, Dublin Institute of Technology, 2009
BA (Hons) in Psychology, University College Dublin, 2001
Feeney, N. & Freeman, S. (2010). What do young people think of the Gardaí? An examination of young people’s attitudes to and experiences of An Garda Síochána. Youth Studies Ireland, 5(1), 3-17.
Freeman, S. & Seymour, M. (2010). ‘Just waiting’: The nature and effect of uncertainty on young people in remand custody in Ireland. Youth Justice, 10(2), 126-142.
Freeman, S. (2008). The experience of young people remanded in custody: A case for bail support and supervision schemes. Irish Probation Journal, 5, 91-102.
Freeman, S. (2007). The life and times of young people on remand: Recommendations for future policy in Ireland in K. Lalor, F. Ryan, M. Seymour & C. Hamilton (Eds.), Young people and crime: Research, Policy and Practice Conference Proceedings (pp. 110-120). Dublin: Centre for Social and Educational Research.
Research Interests
Coping, mental health, child development, youth offending and youth justice.
Managing Editor, Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies
Teaching Areas
Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioural Science, Criminology, Research Methods, MA Criminology & MA Child Family and Community Dissertation Supervision, Early Childhood Education Dissertation Supervision, Early Childhood Education Tutor.