Nicola Hughes

Tel: 2205468
Educational Background
2012 Ph.D. (Criminology), Institute of Criminology, UCD
2000 Higher Diploma in Statistics, Trinity College Dublin
1998 M.Sc. in Applied Social Research, Trinity College Dublin
1997 Masters in Equality Studies, University College Dublin
1995 B.A. (Honours) in Sociology and History, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth
Recent Conference Papers/Presentations
“Young men returning to the community after a period of imprisonment”, Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development Annual Conference, Dublin, September 2012.
“The Experience of Imprisonment for Young Irish Prisoners”, Annual North South Criminology Conference, University College Dublin, Dublin, 2012.
“Young People and Reoffending”, Irish Youth Justice Service Conference, Dublin, 2010.
“Leaving prison: to offend or not to offend”, European Society of Criminology Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2008.
Baumer, E., O’Donnell, I. and Hughes, N. (2009), ‘The Porous Prison: A Note on the Rehabilitative Potential of Visits Home’, The Prison Journal, 89(1): 119-126.
O’Donnell, I, Baumer, E. and Hughes, N. (2008), ‘Recidivism in the Republic of Ireland’, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 8(2): 123-146.
O’Donnell, I., Teljeur, C., Hughes, N., Baumer, E. and Kelly, A. (2007), ‘When prisoners go home: Punishment, Social Deprivation and the Geography of Reintegration’, Irish Criminal Law Journal, 17(4): 3-9.
G.M. Sayers, N. Hughes, E. Scallan and Z. Johnson, (1997), ‘A Survey of Knowledge and Use of Folic Acid Among Women of Child-Bearing Age in Dublin’, British Journal of Public Health Medicine, 19(3): 328-332.
Research Interests
- Young offenders
- Recidivism
- Desistance
Selected Commissioned Reports
- Nicola Hughes (2010), “Reimprisonment of Bridge Participants”. A report to the Bridge Project.
- Nicola Hughes (2008), “Report to the Irish Prison Service: Making the Most of PRIS”, 2008.
- James Williams and Nicola Hughes (2000), “The Irish Supplier Base to the Tesco Group”. The Economic and Social Research Institute.
- Nicola Hughes and James Williams (2000), “A Study of Staff Attitudes in An Garda Síochána”. The Economic and Social Research Institute.
- David Duffy, Nicola Hughes and James Williams, (1999), “A Study of Staff Attitudes in RTE”. The Economic and Social Research Institute.
Teaching Areas
Criminal Justice System, Recidivism, Desistance