Liam McGlynn

Tel: +35312207413
Ed.D, NUI Maynooth, 2012
M.A. Adult and Community Education, NUI Maynooth, 2006
H.Dip. Adult and Community Education, NUI Maynooth, 1996
B.A. (Hons) Psychology, UCD, 1986
Work Experience
Prior to commencing teaching in the Humanities Department of TU Dublin – Blanchardstown Campus in 2010 I had fifteen years work experience in practice in local development, community development and community education predominantly in the midlands counties of Ireland (Offaly, Laois, Westmeath and Longford). I worked on the National Community Development Programme and the Operational Programme for Local Urban and Rural Development. From 2004 to 2009 I worked with the Offaly Outreach Education Project, a HEA-funded outreach access project to schools and communities in Co. Offaly.
I have previously taught modules on the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Social Studies in Social Care, Cultural Diversity, Group Work, Placement Preparation. I have also undertaken the role of Placement Co-ordinator.
I have also taught on the special purpose award 2018-2019 Certificate in Leadership in Intercultural Communities (outreach L6, 20 credits).
I currently teach on the Community Development and Youth Work programme.
Modules: Introduction to Culture, Community Development Practice, Human Rights, Skills for Professional Practice, Research & Dissertation, Placement Co-ordination.
Memberships / Associations
I am a subscribed member to the following organisations; Aontas, Community Work Ireland, Comhlamh, Teaching Council, Teachers’ Union of Ireland.
I have found the following organisations to be a wellspring of insight and inspiration and a positive influence on my personal, intellectual and professional development in local and global community development, development education and solidarity work over the years; Afri (Action from Ireland), Partners Training for Transformation, Community Action Network, Men’s Development Network, Spiritans.
Leadership/Management Committee Roles
Central Group, Community Work Ireland (2017-Present)
All Ireland Endorsement Body (AIEB) for Community Work Education and Training (2016-Present)
Management Committee, Blanchardstown Travellers Development Group
Minutes Secretary, Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership
Chairperson, TUI TU Dublin Blanchardstown Branch
Research Publications
Ni Chonaill, B., Lawlor, G., Macnamara, N., McGlynn, L., Smith, G., Coyle, S., & Cluskey, M., (2022) "Embedding anti-racism in the teaching, learning and assessment of the Community Development and Youth Work programme: Lessons learned to date.," Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 10: Iss. 2, Article 8. doi:, Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2023].
McGlynn, L. (2018) Internationalisation in Higher Education: Global North and Global South Collaboration in Higher Education to Embed Development Education in the Curriculum. Proceedings of the Universal Design Higher Education in Transformation Conference October 2018, Dublin. Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2023].
Mc Glynn L. (2018) Canada EU Trade Agreement CETA: For Corporations or Citizens. Higher Education as a Universal Space for Critical Discussion and Debate. Proceedings of the Universal Design Higher Education in Transformation Conference October 2018, Dublin. Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2023].
McGlynn, L., Gage, J. & & Donegal Community Education Forum (2018) Purpose People Process: Community Education in Donegal 2018. Available at: and [Accessed 06 March 2023].
McGlynn, L. (2014) A Literature Review on Community Education in a Context of Labour Market Activation, Employability and Active Citizenship in Ireland and the EU. Athlone: Community Education Facilitators Association (CEFA). Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2023].
Grogan, E. & McGlynn, L. (2009) Survey on the Educational Needs of Students with Disabilities in Co. Offaly. Tullamore, Co. Offaly: Offaly Outreach Education Project, Co. Offaly VEC.
Virtual World Community Development Conference, Ureki, Georgia. 20 to 22 June 2022 (Ukrainian Всесвітня конференція розвитку спільноти)
Paper: Peace and Conflict Resolution to end Putin’s War against Ukraine: The role of community development in advocacy for ceasefire, peace talks and peace settlement.
World Community Development Conference, Maynooth University, June 2018
World Community Development Conference, University of Dundee, June 2019
Poster: International Community Development: Solidarity between Global North and Global South.