Grainne Ward

Tel: +35312205000
Academic Qualifications
1986 Bachelor of Arts (History & Greek & Roman Civilisation)
1987 Postgraduate Certificate in Librarianship & Info Studies
1994 Master of Science in Information Systems & Technology
2007 Bachelor of Arts in Law
Professional qualifications
2011 Train the Trainer
2021 CPD Module European Human Rights Law
2021 CPD Module Refugee, Immigration & Asylum
2022 Certificate in Immigration Law & Practice
I have nearly 20 years’ experience within the Citizens Information Service providing information, advice and advocacy services to members of the public across a range of rights areas such as social welfare, housing, health education and immigration. I have taught in these areas on the Higher Certificate in Information Provision and Advocacy Services.
I am a member of the Path 3 Community Outreach Working Group and work closely with the Path 3 team developing and delivering Taste of TU Dublin workshops and other events to groups traditionally underrepresented in third level education.