Paddy Dolan

Senior lecturer in the School of Languages, Law and Social Sciences.
Tel: Tel +353 1 220 5462
PhD Sociology (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
MSocSc, Sociology (University College Dublin)
BSc Management (Dublin Institute of Technology)
Paddy Dolan is a senior lecturer in the School of Languages, Law and Social Sciences. Before joining the Department of Social Sciences in 2016, he worked as a lecturer in consumer research at the School of Marketing (College of Business) for many years. This followed several years working in management consultancy, enterprise development and community development. While Paddy initially studied Marketing in DIT, he subsequently graduated with an MSocSc (Sociology) from UCD in 1996 and a PhD in Sociology from Goldsmiths College (University of London) in 2005. His thesis (The Development of Consumer Culture, Subjectivity and National Identity in Ireland, 1900–1980) examined developing and contesting cultures of consumption using the theories of Norbert Elias. Paddy has supervised two PhD theses to successful completion and welcomes enquiries from prospective research students (see research interests below).
Research Interests
Figurational and historical sociology; childhood; sport; emotions; national and social identities; cosmopolitanism; consumer culture; organizational change; media; advertising; qualitative research methods.
Research supervision
Ran Bi (PhD) ‘Luxury, class and Chinese consumer culture’ (co-supervised with Dr Helen Chen, School of Marketing, DIT)
Valerie Bonin (PhD), ‘The French entrepreneurial diaspora in Singapore’
Anna Maria Mullally (PhD), ‘Women, bathing practices and gender power balances in twentieth-century Ireland’
Laurence Anne Paveau (PhD) ‘Civilising processes of female beauty through fashion’
Completed dissertations:
Gary Sinclair (PhD) ‘Spaces, emotion and heavy metal subcultural control: Music consumption and civilizing processes’ (completed 2013; advisory supervisor – Prof Lisa Peñaloza, Bordeaux Management School)
Dee Duffy (PhD) ‘Situating masculine identity work within the socio-cultural context of discursive regimes: Men’s consumption and leisure practices’ (completed 2012; advisory supervisor – Prof Sean Nixon, Sociology, University of Essex)
Andrew Dunne (MPhil) ‘Making sense of men’s workout practices: The body, age and identity’ (completed 2008; co-supervised with Dr Olivia Freeman, School of Marketing, DIT)
Corrina Smart (MPhil) ‘Local development and the creation of the enterprise culture’ (completed 2001)
Journal Articles
Dolan, Paddy and John Connolly (2017) ‘Beyond logic and norms: A figurational critique of institutional theory in organisation studies’, Cambio: Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali 7(14): 139–49.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2017) ‘Habitus, the writings of Irish hunger strikers and Elias’s The Loneliness of the Dying’, Historical Social Research 42(4): 155–68.
Jawad, Rana, Paddy Dolan and Tracey Skillington (2017) ‘Sociology in the 21st century: Reminiscence and redefinition’, Sociology 51(4): 901–14.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2017) ‘Social class tensions, habitus and the advertising of Guinness’, Sociological Review 65(1): 100–16.
Dolan, Paddy and John Connolly (2016) ‘Sport, unity and conflict: An enduring dynamic’, European Journal for Sport and Society 13(3): 189–96.
Dolan, Paddy (2016) ‘Adult and child identities in Irish primary schools, c. 1830 to 1909’, History of Education 45(5): 530–46.
Sinclair, Gary and Paddy Dolan (2015) ‘Heavy metal figurations: Music consumption, subcultural control and civilising processes’, Marketing Theory 15(3): 423–41.
Dolan, Paddy (2015) ‘Balances between civilising processes and offensives: Adult–child relations in Irish primary schools from the mid-nineteenth century’, Human Figurations 4(1).
Dolan, Paddy and John Connolly (2015) ‘Documents and detachment in the figurational sociology of sport’, Empiria: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales 30: 33–52.
Dolan, Paddy (2014) ‘Cultural cosmopolitanization and the politics of television in 1960s Ireland,’ Media, Culture & Society 36(7): 952–65.
Liston, Katie and Paddy Dolan (2014) ‘Introduction’, Special Issue: The Scope of Belonging? Sport, Race and Ethnicity Sport in Society 17(8): 995–9.
Dolan, Paddy and John Connolly (2014) ‘Emotions, violence and social belonging: An Eliasian analysis of sports spectatorship’, Sociology 48(2): 279–94.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2013) ‘Re-theorizing the “structure–agency” relationship: Figurational theory, organizational change and the Gaelic Athletic Association’, Organization 20(4): 491–511.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2013) ‘The amplification and de-amplification of amateurism and professionalism in the Gaelic Athletic Association’, International Journal of the History of Sport 30(8): 853–870.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2012) ‘Sport, media and the Gaelic Athletic Association: The quest for the “youth” of Ireland’, Media, Culture & Society 34(4): 407–23.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2011) ‘Organizational centralization as figurational dynamics: Movements and counter-movements in the Gaelic Athletic Association’, Management & Organizational History 6(1): 37–58.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (2010) ‘The civilizing and sportization of Gaelic football in Ireland: 1884–2008’, Journal of Historical Sociology 23(4): 570–98.
Dolan, Paddy (2010) ‘Space, time and the constitution of subjectivity: Comparing Elias and Foucault’, Foucault Studies 8: 8–27.
Dolan, Paddy (2009) ‘Figurational dynamics and parliamentary discourses of living standards in Ireland’, British Journal of Sociology 60(4): 721–39.
Dolan, Paddy (2009) ‘Developing consumer subjectivity in Ireland: 1900–1980’, Journal of Consumer Culture 9(1): 117–41.
Translated: Dolan, Paddy (2010) ‘Die entwicklung der subjektivität des verbrauchers in Irland von 1900 bis 1980’, Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis 33(2): 174–93.
Dolan, Paddy and John Connolly (2009) ‘The civilizing of hurling in Ireland’, Sport in Society 12(2): 196–211.
Dolan, Paddy (2002) ‘The sustainability of “sustainable consumption”’, Journal of Macromarketing 22(2): 170–81.
Edited Books
Dolan, Paddy and John Connolly (eds) (2018) Sport and National Identities: Globalisation and Conflict. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Haut, Jan, Paddy Dolan, Dieter Reicher, and Raúl Sánchez García (eds) (2018) Excitement Processes: Norbert Elias’s Unpublished Works on Sports, Leisure, Body, Culture. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Connolly, John and Paddy Dolan (eds) (2017) The Social Organisation of Marketing: A Figurational Approach to People, Organisations, and Markets. London: Palgrave.
Liston, Katie and Paddy Dolan (eds) (2015) Sport, Race and Ethnicity: The Scope of Belonging? Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Hogan, John, Paddy Dolan and Paul Donnelly (eds) (2009) Approaches to Qualitative Research – Theory & Practical Application: A Guide for Dissertation Students. Cork: Oak Tree Press.